Thibodeau for President. Yes, I mean PRESIDENT.

2016 seems like it isn’t going to be the best year in the U S of A’s history, or even for the world. Tension is high, disheartening news heavily outweighs the hopeful, and people are on edge. There is also a little thing happening called a Presidential Election, and boy it is interesting. I refuse to take a stand for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, since I really don’t like either of them, so I propose a third candidate: Tom Thibodeau.

Let’s look at why Thibs would be the perfect candidate for the Commander in Chief role. The first thing that comes to mind when you think “what does America need right now in a leader?” the obvious answer is someone who can act as a counselor to the shaken up citizens; well good thing Tom has a master’s degree in counseling from Salem State University. He could be the perfect shoulder to cry on for our citizens, who already seem to cry about everything.

Next, many people have problems with the to-be first lady (or maybe first… man?) that will take over the White House once the Obamas move out. Another perfect move by Thibodeau: he has no spouse, so we would never have to even worry about the wing man of the President. Tom was once engaged while in grad school, but he decided he would ride the rest of his life solo, calling the wedding off a couple of months prior.

Finally, we need a true patriot. We need someone who loves this country, and who better than our Tommy? He coaches the greatest basketball team on earth, the USA Olympic team; what else on God’s green earth could you do more patriotic than that? I wouldn’t be surprised if Thibs has a couple of bald eagle tattoo’s hiding under his shirt and tie. It is rumored that his alarm clock is the Pledge of Allegiance, and that he can recite the Gettysburg Address both forwards and backwards.

He fulfills all of the necessary requirements for president: born in Connecticut, 58 years old (doesn’t look a day past 27), and he has always lived at home.

It is time. It is time for Tom Thibodeau to make his splash into 2016 and save America and the Election. Obama said he would like to own an NBA team, well our guy is going to be President and coach. Take that, Obama.

Don’t take any of this too seriously. I’m just trying to make the offseason go by faster. I know Thibodeau more than likely won’t “Make America Great Again”, but I do believe he will Make Minnesota Great Again.


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